Interface Slot
The Judgment Slot unlocks new AoE and cone-shaped attack powers for your character. Some Judgment abilities apply an Incarnate Shift, which effectively increases the level at which your character can fight in Incarnate Trials.
Diamagnetic Tree
Diamagnetic Interface [Common]
Adds a moderate to hit debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Interface
Diamagnetic Core Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a frequent to hit debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Core Conversion
Diamagnetic Total Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a very frequent to hit debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Core Conversion
Diamagnetic Partial Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a frequent to hit debuff and a minor regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Flawless Interface
Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a very frequent to hit debuff and a moderate regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Interface
Diamagnetic Radial Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a moderate regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Radial Conversion
Diamagnetic Total Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a very frequent regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Radial Conversion
Diamagnetic Partial Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a minor to hit debuff and a frequent regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Flawless Interface
Diamagnetic Radial Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a moderate to hit debuff and a very frequent regeneration debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Gravitic Tree
Gravitic Interface [Common]
Adds a minor recharge rate debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Interface
Gravitic Core Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a minor recharge rate debuff and a minor movement speed debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Core Conversion
Gravitic Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a moderate recharge rate debuff and a moderate movement speed debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Core Conversion
Gravitic Partial Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a minor recharge rate debuff, a minor movement speed debuff, and a minor recovery debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Flawless Interface
Gravitic Core Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a frequent recharge rate debuff, a frequent secondary effect debuff, and a moderate recovery debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Interface
Gravitic Radial Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a minor recharge rate debuff and a minor secondary effect debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Radial Conversion
Gravitic Partial Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a minor recharge rate debuff, a minor secondary effect debuff, and a minor recovery debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Radial Conversion
Gravitic Total Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a moderate recharge rate debuff and a moderate secondary effect debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Flawless Interface
Gravitic Radial Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a frequent recharge rate debuff, a frequent secondary effect debuff, and a moderate recovery debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Paralytic Tree
Paralytic Interface [Common]
Adds a minor defense debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Interface
Paralytic Core Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a moderate defense debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Core Conversion
Paralytic Total Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a frequent defense debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Core Conversion
Paralytic Partial Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a moderate defense debuff and a minor damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Flawless Interface
Paralytic Core Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a frequent defense debuff and a minor damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Interface
Paralytic Radial Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a minor defense debuff and a minor damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Radial Conversion
Paralytic Total Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a frequent damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Radial Conversion
Paralytic Partial Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a minor defense debuff and a moderate damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Flawless Interface
Paralytic Radial Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a minor defense debuff and a frequent damage debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Reactive Tree
Reactive Interface [Common]
Adds a minor damage resistance debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Core Interface
Reactive Core Interface [Uncommon]
Adds a moderate damage resistance debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Core Conversion
Reactive Total Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a frequent damage resistance debuff chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Core Conversion
Reactive Partial Core Conversion [Rare]
Adds a moderate damage resistance debuff and a minor Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.
Reactive Core Flawless Interface
Rebirth Core Epiphany [Very Rare]
Adds a frequent damage resistance debuff and a minor Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.
Reactive Radial Interface
Rebirth Radial Invocation [Uncommon]
Adds a minor damage resistance debuff and a minor Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.
Total Radial Conversion
Reactive Total Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a frequent Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.
Partial Radial Conversion
Reactive Partial Radial Conversion [Rare]
Adds a minor damage resistance debuff and a moderate Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.
Radial Flawless Interface
Reactive Radial Flawless Interface [Very Rare]
Adds a minor damage resistance debuff and a frequent Fire damage over time chance to most damaging attacks.