Destiny Slot
The Destiny Slot offers new powers that grant your group valuable protection, healing, or regeneration buffs. Some Destiny abilities apply an Incarnate Shift, which effectively increases the level at which your character can fight in Incarnate Trials.
Ageless Tree
Ageless Invocation [Common]
PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Core Invocation
Ageless Core Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Total Core Invocation
Ageless Total Core Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Core Invocation
Ageless Partial Core Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Core Epiphany
Ageless Core Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Invocation
Ageless Radial Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
+Debuff Resistance
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Total Radial Invocation
Ageless Total Radial Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
+Debuff Resistance
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Radial Invocation
Ageless Partial Radial Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
+Debuff Resistance
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Epiphany
Ageless Radial Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
+Recharge Rate
+Debuff Resistance
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Barrier Tree
Barrier Invocation [Common]
PBAoE Ally
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Core Invocation
Barrier Core Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
Total Core Invocation
Barrier Total Core Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Core Invocation
Barrier Partial Core Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Core Epiphany
Barrier Core Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Invocation
Barrier Radial Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
Ally Rez x1
Recharge: Very Long.
This power will attempt to revive up to one defeated ally. The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Total Radial Invocation
Barrier Total Radial Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
Ally Rez x2
Recharge: Very Long.
This power will attempt to revive up to two defeated allies. The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Radial Invocation
Barrier Partial Radial Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
Ally Rez x1
Recharge: Very Long.
This power will attempt to revive up to one defeated ally. The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Epiphany
Barrier Radial Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Ally Rez x2
Recharge: Very Long.
This power will attempt to revive up to two defeated allies. The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Clarion Tree
Clarion Invocation [Common]
PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Core Invocation
Clarion Core Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
Total Core Invocation
Clarion Total Core Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Core Invocation
Clarion Partial Core Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Core Epiphany
Clarion Core Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds, but more of the power's strength will last the full duration.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Invocation
Clarion Radial Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Secondary effect boost
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Total Radial Invocation
Clarion Total Radial Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Secondary effect boost
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Radial Invocation
Clarion Partial Radial Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Secondary effect boost
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Epiphany
Clarion Radial Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally
Status Effect Protection
Secondary effect boost
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Rebirth Tree
Rebirth Invocation [Common]
PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
Core Invocation
Rebirth Core Invocation [Uncommon]
Wide PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
Total Core Invocation
Rebirth Total Core Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally Heal
+Max HP
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Core Invocation
Rebirth Partial Core Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally Heal
+Max HP
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Core Epiphany
Rebirth Core Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally Heal
+Max HP
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Invocation
Rebirth Radial Invocation [Uncommon]
PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
Total Radial Invocation
Rebirth Total Radial Invocation [Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 60 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Partial Radial Invocation
Rebirth Partial Radial Invocation [Rare]
PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 90 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)
Radial Epiphany
Rebirth Radial Epiphany [Very Rare]
Wide PBAoE Ally Heal
Recharge: Very Long.
The continuing buffs from this power will gradually lose effectiveness over time before they expire completely after 120 seconds.
This power also applies an Incarnate Shift. (An Incarnate Shift is a Level Shift which only activates while participating in an Incarnate Trial.)