Praetorian Clockwork

NEURON TECHNOLOGIES UNLIMITED provides the LATEST in personal-, public-, and government-issued clockwork servitors. Our new production line is LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of last year's model, featuring MIRROR FINISH CHROME highlights, multiple voice print recognition, and a SELF-RECHARGING POWER SOURCE.
With everyone working hard toward a BRIGHTER FUTURE, how is a growing family supposed to enjoy a NOURISHING HOME-COOKED MEAL in a household FREE OF CLUTTER? The answer, of course, is the HOME COMPANION, the latest from NEURON TECHNOLOGIES UNLIMITED. The HOME COMPANION comes preprogrammed with OVER NINE THOUSAND home care routines: meal preparations, school lessons, repair and refurbishing skill sets, and CONVERSATION TOPICS. Your family will FEEL COMPLETE with the HOME COMPANION.
For the public sector, NEURON TECHNOLOGIES UNLIMITED has UPGRADED all existing clockwork with the NEW TYPE 40. The NEW TYPE 40 features a much kinder exterior, thus PROMOTING HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING. Its carbon titanium shell is a PLEASING TITANIUM WHITE and resistant to all forms of corrosion, ensuring a LONG SERVICE LIFE. All citizens can REST EASY knowing that their friendly neighborhood clockwork will also respond to THREATS TO THE POPULACE, conducting arrests or creating SAFE ZONES in case of a TELLURIAN PLAGUE OUTBREAK.
At NEURON TECHNOLOGIES UNLIMITED we TAKE PRIDE in listening to our customers. We hope you TAKE AS MUCH PRIDE in our products as we do, and we look forward to meeting THE DEMANDS OF TOMORROW, today.