Praetorian Police Department (PPD)

The Praetorian Police Department (PPD) looks and acts, at least on the surface, like a modern day paramilitary police force. It projects a friendly and approachable attitude toward the populace, which it strengthens through good public relations efforts. In reality, the PPD is Emperor Cole's personal army. It is inflexible in its demand for respect for its authority. To question one of its members is to question the Emperor - a man who has saved them and the planet countless times over. When someone speaks out against Emperor Cole or Praetorian matters, the dark side of the PPD emerges, and burly, well-armed officers come into your house in the dead of night and take your loved ones away.
Officers of the PPD are stationed throughout Praetoria. They patrol the streets maintaining order and looking out for trouble. They can also be found in back alleys interrogating citizens regarding any connections they might have to the Resistance. Members of the PPD include rank and file officers, specialized members of the Intelligence Division, and extremely experienced and heavily armed members of the Tactical Engagement Strike Team (T.E.S.T.).