Basic Mission Goals

Basic Mission Goals

mission goals basic

Fight a Boss

A boss is a powerful enemy that the players will face as they play through the mission. This could be the climatic fight at the end of the mission or just a cool encounter along the way.

Example: The Boss, Frostfire, must be defeated in order for the players to successfully complete their mission.

You should be aware of the following settings for this Mission Goal.


This controls what side or team the boss is going to be on when the players approach him. Options include:

  • Ally: The boss is actually on the side of the players and the enemy of all the other characters on the map. You can't have a boss set as allied and still require him to be defeated for the mission to complete.
  • Enemy: This is the default setting. The boss is the enemy of the players, just like everything else on the map.
  • Rogue: The boss is the enemy of the player, but is also the enemy of other non-player characters (NPCs) on the map as well. This boss isn't liked by anyone.

Surrounding Enemy Group

This sets the enemies that are surrounding the boss. All bosses come with a group of minions or lieutenants around him. This option sets the group for those enemies. By default, this is set to Same As Boss.

Boss Flees on Damage

You can make your boss attempt to exit the mission when he his hit points drop to a certain percentage. If he manages to exit the mission, the players will fail the mission.

Boss Flees on Minion Defeat

You can make your boss attempt to exit the mission when too many of their minions have been defeated. If the boss manages to exit the mission, the players will fail the mission.

Defeat Condition

There are two ways the boss can be considered defeated.

  • Entire Encounter needed to complete: This means that the boss and all of his surrounding minions and lieutenants must be defeated in order for the Mission Goal to be considered complete.
  • Only Boss needed to complete: This means that the players only have to defeat the boss, not the boss and his minions.

Collect an Object

An Object is an inanimate piece that appears on the mission map that the players can interact with. This object emits a sound and a glow to alert the players of its whereabouts. Many Architects refer to these objects as 'glowies' because of this. Objects are useful for finding clues, planting false evidence, or stealing a prized item.

Example: Break into that office and steal the credit card data off of their computers.

You should be aware of the following settings for this mission goal.

Collection Type

Collection mission goals are broken down into two categories: Wall and Floor. This determines the general location of where these objects will spawn. A Wall object can only appear on or against a wall where as a Floor object is the type of object only found on the floor.

Interact Time

This is the amount of time in seconds the players must remain next to the object. As the timer counts down, the players will see a progress bar filling up. If the players are attacked or move, the counter will stop and they'll have to start over again.

Remove Object on Complete

Once the players have finished interacting with the object, you have the option to remove it from the map.

Release a Captive

Captives are harmless individuals in the mission for the players to rescue. Once freed, the Captive immediately flees to the nearest door for safety. Of all the Person orientated mission goals, this is the simplest. It can't be failed and the fleeing captive can't be targeted or defeated in anyway.

Example: Enter the abandoned warehouse and rescue Jane Marie.

Defeat All Enemies

This makes it so the players must defeat every enemy in the mission in order for it to be completed. Note: Defeat All Enemies ensures that players stay in your map. However, forcing them to run around and track down the last (and oftentimes elusive) enemy can be a potentially frustrating experience.

There are two states for a Defeat All mission goal.

  • Defeat All Enemies on the Map: The players must track down every enemy on the map and defeat them.
  • Defeat All Enemies in the end room: The players must only defeat the enemies in the last room.