Scott Kurtz

Guest Authors

The guest authors listed below have published arcs in City of Heroes. Each linked entry contains information about an author and a description of the arcs the author has created. We will update this page as we reveal more guest authors.

All you need to do to enjoy an author's arcs is to log in to City of Heroes, locate an Architect Entertainment building, and begin playing.

If you are a professional writer who would like to participate in the Guest Author program, visit Would You Like to Participate? and submit your information.

Scott Kurtz

Scott Kurtz has wanted to make a living writing comic strips since his mother bought him the first "Garfield" collection book back in the 1980's. His hobby turned into a full-time career in 2000 when Scott quit his job as a Web designer to go full time as a comic-strip artist. Scott's comic, "PvP," has been running since 1998and over the last 10 years, Scott and his wife Angela have built PvP into a self-proprietorship with over 200,000 daily readers, a monthly comic book published by Image Comics, and a burgeoning online store for PvP merchandise.

Because of the neutrality of the net, and the support of thousands of PvP fans, Scott has been able to keep PvP a creator-owned property, side-stepping traditional avenues to a career in cartooning. PvP has been nominated for multiple Harvey Awards and won the Will Eisner Comic Industry Award for Best Digital Comic in 2006.


"OMG, it's the LOLBAT!" - OMG! Your new contact on the street is none other than the internet meme-obsessed hero, the LOLBAT, and he brings grave if not confusing news. The Algonquin Hate Table, a rogues gallery of the LOLBAT's greatest foes, are looking to expand their heinous if not artfully influenced crime syndicate into Paragon City. If you know what's good for you and the citizens you protect, you won't let that happen. Luckily, the LOLBAT knows how these guys work and he's ready to help you defeat these pompous profligates.