Sprint (toggle from Power bar): Sprint is an inherent power possessed by all.
When engaged, it significantly increases running speed, although it does drain Endurance—bear this in mind when in the midst of combat, as it could adversely affect your Endurance pool during a critical battle.
Sprint speed is sufficient to outdistance most enemies, although they might get a successful shot off in passing. Make sure you have enough Hit Points left to absorb any parting shots before trying to sprint out of combat.
In addition to Sprint, there are four powers that significantly increase the rate at which your villain moves around the city. Although it's not mandatory, you should have one selected as the first Pool Power. Otherwise, it'll be virtually impossible to keep up with other players.
The movement-related power groups are:
To quickly obtain these powers, select a movement power group by Level 12 at the latest. After you have a movement power group, you can select an accelerated movement power at Level 14.